

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Financial Times on the Siege of Gaza

Portion below; whole thing here:

This siege is not only wrong; it is almost wholly counterproductive.

First, Israel’s tactic of “collective punishment” is illegal. Targeting a civilian population is prohibited by international law: there is no debate to be had about it.

Second, however, two decades of using this tactic, in the occupied ter- ritories and in Lebanon, should have taught Israel that it does not work. It actually strengthens organisations such as Hamas and Hizbollah.

Indeed, this siege is visibly increasing Gazans’ dependence on Hamas as the only source of the means of subsistence.

It is time that Israel, its Arab neighbours such as Jordan and Egypt, the US and the Fatah nationalists they are all backing against Hamas rethought their position.

Their attempt to isolate and topple Hamas after its 2006 election victory – which included arming Fatah warlords in Gaza – has failed.

Arab and international mediators should immediately seek an armistice from Hamas and an end to the Gaza blockade from Israel.

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