

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"Obama in Bedlam" -- John Ross

And for local people who know Sasha, as John says, she is still out there helping Iraqi refugees.

Portion below; whole thing here:

We are in garbage time. The adulatory garbage being spewed about the virtues of Barrack Obama are a toxic trick on the peoples of the earth. One glaring recent example: 100,000 marched from sea to shining sea in the U.S. last weekend (Nov. 16th) in support of same sex marriage and no one had the moxie to even mention that Barack Obama does not support same sex marriage.

False Messiahs are made to be unmasked. Anyone who aspires to be the maximum capo of the world's most homicidal on-going criminal conspiracy is just that, a criminal. Barack Obama is a war criminal-in-waiting masquerading as a peace candidate on the pretext that he will move the Yanqui troops two wars to the east to massacre civilians who did not vote for him. I am not fooled.

I am not invested in the United States of North America. I do not have an IRA or a CD or whatever they call the shekel-sucking scams that are flogged by those who just bankrupted the nation. I have no stocks or bonds or health insurance or retirement account. I don't have a job and I don't pay taxes. I don't drink Coca Cola and I don't drive or own a car. Indeed, I don’t own any property at all. I don't know how to get to Main Street. Hell, I don't even live in this benighted country.

Recession, depression and financial crisis are great equalizers. Bring 'em on! Those of us who live down at the bottom know how to survive. We are not going away.

On the night that Barack Obama was elected commander-in-chief, U.S. killers operating under NATO impunity, murdered at least 40 more Afghani civilians - "NATO" has now snuffed out over a thousand non-combattant lives this year in a war that Obama is pledged to escalate.

Also on Election Night, the Zionists of Israel deliberately bombed Gaza breaking a months-long truce to send the U.S, president-elect a clear and unequivocal message. 48 hours later that message was received and acknowledged and Rahm Israel Emanuel, a member of the Israeli army, was appointed Obama's chief of staff.

The scenario is being written as we read. Before he is done, Barack Obama will bomb bomb bomb Iran. Here in our Americas, he will spit in Hugo Chavez's eye and kick Evo Morales in the balls, prolong the Cuban blockade, and cuddle up to cold-blooded killers like Colombia's Uribe and Mexico's Calderon. Galeano will have many new chapters to write.

My pal Sasha Crow is just back from Amman where she is helping to pick up the pieces of the shattered lives of Iraqi refugees driven out of their homeland by an American war. Despite the evacuation of the White House by a president who wrecked their families and destroyed their livelihoods, the refugees to whom she speaks don't think that Barack Obama is the Messiah either.

Sasha is the motor behind the Collateral Repair Project, a response by grass roots Americans to the unspeakable collateral carnage this country has inflicted upon the innocent to sustain the sort of We're Number One domination of which Barack Obama is an enthusiastic devotee. If you want to make some change that the world can really believe in, send her some real change at

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