

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Enough is Enough Bush in London By DAVID WILSON

Portion below; whole thing here:

With this in mind many of us were in Parliament Square on the afternoon of George’s visit to London and had planned to march up Whitehall past No 10 Downing Street where Bianca Jagger, Brian Eno, Dennis Halliday, David Edgar, Haifa Zangana and others would deliver 28 statements accusing George Bush of war crimes and expressing their anger that our government was hosting his visit and continuing to armour up for his wars.

A couple of the statements (please go to link to read more good statements):

JOHN PILGER, journalist

Criminal power always fears people. That's its greatest fear. That's why even a House of Commons committee worries out loud about the draconian surveillance that now distinguishes a Britain dominated by Washington. The MPs are worried because they know that if the state goes too far the people will act. History tells them that. The reason George Bush is surrounded by an army of police today and why we cannot march along Whitehall is because the system Bush represents fears our voices. It fears our many voices, and it fears just one voice, like Brian Haw. All potentially are a threat, because we speak the truth. And it's truth, not Al Qaeda, that is Bush's enemy -- as the dead and maimed and dispossessed in Iraq and Afghanistan bear witness."

HAROLD PINTER, playwright and Nobel Prize winner

There is no more suitable candidate for Leading War Criminal than George Bush. The only person that comes anywhere near him is Tony Blair. They are both beneath contempt. Bush should certainly be arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay where he can rot forever.

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