

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Pat Robertson calls for Chavez's assassination again!

From the February 2 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes:

"COLMES: So, you're not taking back the comment. You believe assassination of Hugo Chavez would be in the best interests of the world.

ROBERTSON: Well, rather than going to war. One day, we're going to have to go to war, I'm afraid, if he continues his policy, you know. But, I don't know. I wrote him a letter. I apologized to him....

COLMES: Do you want him taken out?

ROBERTSON: Not now, but one day, one day, one day. My premise is, and I think as -- you know, until that comment came out, everybody thought Chavez [added link] was a fellow having to do with table grapes in California. Now --"

Go here to read Robertson's amazing logical gymnastics in making this statement:

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