

Saturday, August 23, 2008

'This Election is Winnable': Cindy Sheehan

End portion of Josh Frank interview of Cindy Sheehan below; whole thing (from Palestine Chronicle) here:
As people know, I think she is right about the import of her campaign against Pelosi. Go Cindy!

Frank: Ultimately, what you expect to achieve by running againt. Pelosi this year? And what can members of the antiwar movement do to learn more about your campaign?

Sheehan: I expect to achieve victory against the war machine.

I realize that win or lose, we still have a long way to go in achieving a better world, but taking out Pelosi will be a significant step in the right direction.

I believe that we have marched as far as we can go; signed as many petitions as we can; knocked on too many Congressional office doors; and sang too many verses of "We shall overcome." This campaign is the most significant action an anti-war person can be involved in until November 4th.

To learn more about our campaign, people should visit our site at:

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