

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Angry Arab Newservice Warns: "Psychological Operations Against the Arab People"

I have seen these articles myself. linda

Psychological Operations against the Arab people

Watch out. Be careful. There has been political psychological operations against the Arabs in publications close to the Mossad (like the Telegraph in the UK and that lousy site, Debka--or whatever it is called). They intend to imply that the US is orchestrating the protests in Egypt. Those rumors aim at 1) Imply that Arabs have no agency. That they can't act on their own and out of their own volition. 2) to exaggerate the ability of the US to control events in the Middle East. 3) to imply that the US never is hit in the face in the region. 4) to enhance the image of the US as one that is on the side of the people. 5) to discredit the protest movement in the eye of the Arabs to make it an American plot. Beware.

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