

Thursday, August 25, 2011

"This Is Not Peace" -- Oh My Gaza Blog

This is not the peace we expected for this little one. This is not the quiet stillness that we hoped and dreamed would someday be his reality. This is not the sweet serenity we envisioned when we thought about his future and his long term goals. This is not peace but a screaming death in a silent world.Peace surrounds him now. But it is the peace of death not life.
Peace accompanies him on his eternal journey, but it is a peace without family and friends. Peace of occupation has silenced his little ears and mind forever.

Peace. A small and unsophisticated word, yet a word so volatile it has held us hostage for 63 years and counting. A word so bitter in the mouth of the world that it would have us all terminated rather than allow us the dignity to enjoy its solitude and rest.

Peace is a state of being the whole world could achieve. Yet peace is often bartered at the political table by those in power over those who are weak. Peace it seems is a useful tool for controlling self interests. And peaceful people are often murdered as they stand in the way of corruption, occupation, lies.

Peace. A pregnant pause in between violence. Peace. The silence after war. Peace. To hear a human heart beat instead of hearing bombs drop. Peace. The cessation of cries of agony of the wounded, displaced, and dead. Peace. A right every human being deserves. Peace. A force of hope in the hand of one with true compassion. Peace. Restoration of dreams and hopes. Peace. Possibly the only invisible silent substance that the world has left in order to survive. Peace. Priceless.

Long Live Palestine.

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