

Monday, July 04, 2022

From the Fourth of July to the Sixth of January--WE ARE WARNED!


But the Court’s most naked admission of complicity in Trump’s ongoing plot came Thursday with the announcement that all six Republican justices had agreed to hear a lawsuit in which the Republican-controlled state legislature of North Carolina is asking the court to adopt the pseudo-legal “independent state legislature theory.”

This theory is nothing less than a baseless justification for overriding the popular vote. Operating under this theory in 2020, Trump lawyers and conspirators demanded Republican state legislatures appoint alternate slates of electors and override the vote in their states. Such alternate slates were put forward by groups of Trump legislators in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. A ruling for the North Carolina legislature would both politically and legally legitimize Trump’s 2020 putsch, and also pave the way for a second attempt. The decision will be issued in Spring 2023, in plenty of time for the 2024 presidential election.

The response of the Democratic Party to the Supreme Court’s recent rulings makes clear they will do next to nothing to stop the ongoing plot. Last week, Joe Biden publicly declared with much sound and fury that he was prepared to override the filibuster to protect abortion, only to tell a private group of senators that he only made this statement because he knew there was no chance of it actually happening. In response to a reporter’s question as to why the Democrats haven’t done anything to stop the courts, Vice President Kamala Harris replied, “Do what now?” Meanwhile, the Democrats preside over growing inflation, a worsening pandemic, and are prosecuting a war that could lead to nuclear disaster. They are hemorrhaging support and preparing to hand control of congress back to Trump’s Republicans in the midterm elections.

The working class—in the US and internationally—must be warned of the ongoing danger and mobilized in time to stop it. This mobilization will require rooting the fight for democracy in the class struggle, linking workers in a network of fighting action committees to fight against the devastating impact of inflation and the rising cost of living and defend the democratic rights of the entire population. It means basing the fight for democracy in the fight against the capitalist system, breaking up the oligarchy, expropriating its wealth, placing its corporations under public ownership, and reorganizing the world economy under the democratic control of the international working class.

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