

Saturday, February 25, 2023

The COVID Cover-up, or How the Ruling Class Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Virus - World Socialist Web Site

The COVID cover-up, or how the ruling class learned to stop worrying and love the virus - World Socialist Web Site


Going forward, the only reliable tools to track COVID-19 infections and deaths will be rough estimates from wastewater sampling and excess deaths, respectively. Although imprecise, both of these metrics make clear that COVID-19 continues to exact an enormous toll globally.


The world’s most comprehensive study on the impact of reinfections shows that each reinfection compounds one’s risk of hospitalization, Long COVID, and damage to nearly every organ system, as visualized in the graphic [at the original link above].

These health impacts, combined with the body blow that the pandemic has dealt to the health care system, have dramatically increased excess deaths above their pre-pandemic baseline. Throughout the world, hospitals are in a state of collapse. Emergency room (ER) “boarding,” in which patients remain untreated for hours, days or even weeks in ER hallways, is increasingly common, primarily the result of severe understaffing due to the pandemic.


Underlying the efforts to cover up the ongoing impacts of the pandemic is a eugenicist strategy to kill older people in perpetuity.


While the capitalists have drawn their reactionary lessons from the pandemic, the international working class must consciously assimilate their own. Above all, the future and progressive development of mankind is impossible under capitalism. At the same time as they falsely proclaim the pandemic over, the imperialist powers are rushing headlong towards World War III, which would inevitably involve the use of nuclear weapons.

To prevent the looming catastrophes that capitalism has in store, workers must unite internationally on the basis of a revolutionary socialist program. Through the reallocation of society’s resources from war and private profit towards global economic planning and public health, a future socialist society could stop the threat of war, rapidly end the COVID-19 pandemic, halt and reverse climate change, prevent the development of future pandemics and provide a decent standard of living for all. These principles must animate the coming revolutionary struggles of the international working class.





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