

Friday, April 21, 2023

In Germany, Left Party Youth Group Calls for Donations to the Ukrainian Army - World Socialist Web Site

In Germany, Left Party youth group calls for donations to the Ukrainian army - World Socialist Web Site


Linksjugend’s call for donations to Ukrainian front organizations, some of which are characterized by racist statements and fascist sympathies, underscores that it has nothing in common with left-wing politics, let alone with “socialism” and “Marxism.”

Marxists—in Germany, the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party) and its youth organization, the IYSSE—are fighting for the unity of Russian and Ukrainian workers against the escalation of a war that is costing the lives of hundreds of soldiers every day and increasingly conjuring up the threat of a nuclear third world war. They oppose the capitalist prowar policy of both sides with the perspective and program of international socialism and fight to build a mass movement of workers and youth against war. The prerequisite for this is a clear understanding of the war and the forces involved in it.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a reactionary but in the final analysis desperate response by the capitalist Putin regime to the imperialist offensive of the NATO powers, which have been waging war almost continuously for 30 years and have reduced entire countries to rubble. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union by the Stalinist bureaucracy, Russia has been systematically encircled with the aim of completely subjugating the resource-rich and geostrategically central country.

Back in early 2014, Washington and Berlin organized a right-wing coup in Ukraine to bring an anti-Russian regime to power in Kiev. In doing so, they relied on fascist forces, such as the Svoboda Party and Right Sector. Subsequently, army units and militias, such as the Azov Battalion, notorious for their fascist and antisemitic sentiments, were massively rearmed.

By advocating the arming of the Ukrainian army, Linksjugend is making itself a stooge of these extreme reactionary forces and rabble-rousers of the imperialist war offensive. In doing so, it not only regurgitates the official propaganda of the government and the bourgeois media but attacks anyone who does not aggressively support the prowar policy.


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