

Friday, April 04, 2008

About "The Arab Conscience" Posted Below

...The Arab Conscience (Al Dameer Al Arabi, directed by Ahmad Al Arian), a sequel to The Arab Dream (Al Hilm Al Arabi, 1998), premiered on Zoom TV on 27 February 2008. After the opening credits, the songs by Wadee'a Al Safi and Mohammad Al Azabi, and an excerpt from The Arab Dream, The Arab Conscience proper begins 6:07 minutes into the video. It features 106 Arab singers (...) The video cuts back and forth between harrowing images (from archival footage taken between 1998 and 2008) of deaths and destructions inflicted upon Arabs by US and Israeli wars and occupations -- as well as scenes of intra-Arab conflicts and incidents of terrorism -- with shots of singers whose songs urge the audience to overcome the divide and conquer game played by the empire...

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