

Monday, March 16, 2009

Zionism is the Problem -- Ben Ehrenreich -- Amazing Editorial in LA Times

The Zionist ideal of a Jewish state is keeping Israelis and Palestinians from living in peace.
Link to original editorial in LA Times:,0,4405950.story
It's hard to imagine now, but in 1944, six years after Kristallnacht, Lessing J. Rosenwald, president of the American Council for Judaism, felt comfortable equating the Zionist ideal of Jewish statehood with "the concept of a racial state -- the Hitlerian concept." For most of the last century, a principled opposition to Zionism was a mainstream stance within American Judaism.

Even after the foundation of Israel, anti-Zionism was not a particularly heretical position. Assimilated Reform Jews like Rosenwald believed that Judaism should remain a matter of religious rather than political allegiance; the ultra-Orthodox saw Jewish statehood as an impious attempt to "push the hand of God"; and Marxist Jews -- my grandparents among them -- tended to see Zionism, and all nationalisms, as a distraction from the more essential struggle between classes.

To be Jewish, I was raised to believe, meant understanding oneself as a member of a tribe that over and over had been cast out, mistreated, slaughtered. Millenniums of oppression that preceded it did not entitle us to a homeland or a right to self-defense that superseded anyone else's. If they offered us anything exceptional, it was a perspective on oppression and an obligation born of the prophetic tradition: to act on behalf of the oppressed and to cry out at the oppressor.

For the last several decades, though, it has been all but impossible to cry out against the Israeli state without being smeared as an anti-Semite, or worse. To question not just Israel's actions, but the Zionist tenets on which the state is founded, has for too long been regarded an almost unspeakable blasphemy.

Yet it is no longer possible to believe with an honest conscience that the deplorable conditions in which Palestinians live and die in Gaza and the West Bank come as the result of specific policies, leaders or parties on either side of the impasse. The problem is fundamental: Founding a modern state on a single ethnic or religious identity in a territory that is ethnically and religiously diverse leads inexorably either to politics of exclusion (think of the 139-square-mile prison camp that Gaza has become) or to wholesale ethnic cleansing. Put simply, the problem is Zionism.

It has been argued that Zionism is an anachronism, a leftover ideology from the era of 19th century romantic nationalisms wedged uncomfortably into 21st century geopolitics. But Zionism is not merely outdated. Even before 1948, one of its basic oversights was readily apparent: the presence of Palestinians in Palestine. That led some of the most prominent Jewish thinkers of the last century, many of them Zionists, to balk at the idea of Jewish statehood. The Brit Shalom movement -- founded in 1925 and supported at various times by Martin Buber, Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem -- argued for a secular, binational state in Palestine in which Jews and Arabs would be accorded equal status. Their concerns were both moral and pragmatic. The establishment of a Jewish state, Buber feared, would mean "premeditated national suicide."

The fate Buber foresaw is upon us: a nation that has lived in a state of war for decades, a quarter-million Arab citizens with second-class status and more than 5 million Palestinians deprived of the most basic political and human rights. If two decades ago comparisons to the South African apartheid system felt like hyperbole, they now feel charitable. The white South African regime, for all its crimes, never attacked the Bantustans with anything like the destructive power Israel visited on Gaza in December and January, when nearly1,300 Palestinians were killed, one-third of them children.

Israeli policies have rendered the once apparently inevitable two-state solution less and less feasible. Years of Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem have methodically diminished the viability of a Palestinian state. Israel's new prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has even refused to endorse the idea of an independent Palestinian state, which suggests an immediate future of more of the same: more settlements, more punitive assaults.

All of this has led to a revival of the Brit Shalom idea of a single, secular binational state in which Jews and Arabs have equal political rights. The obstacles are, of course, enormous. They include not just a powerful Israeli attachment to the idea of an exclusively Jewish state, but its Palestinian analogue: Hamas' ideal of Islamic rule. Both sides would have to find assurance that their security was guaranteed. What precise shape such a state would take -- a strict, vote-by-vote democracy or a more complex federalist system -- would involve years of painful negotiation, wiser leaders than now exist and an uncompromising commitment from the rest of the world, particularly from the United States.

Meanwhile, the characterization of anti-Zionism as an "epidemic" more dangerous than anti-Semitism reveals only the unsustainability of the position into which Israel's apologists have been forced. Faced with international condemnation, they seek to limit the discourse, to erect walls that delineate what can and can't be said.

It's not working. Opposing Zionism is neither anti-Semitic nor particularly radical. It requires only that we take our own values seriously and no longer, as the book of Amos has it, "turn justice into wormwood and hurl righteousness to the ground."

Establishing a secular, pluralist, democratic government in Israel and Palestine would of course mean the abandonment of the Zionist dream. It might also mean the only salvation for the Jewish ideals of justice that date back to Jeremiah.

Ben Ehrenreich is the author of the novel "The Suitors."


Abe Bird said...

It's not the Zionists, The problem is the kind of people as you are !
Ben Ehrenreich's article is full of historical and concept mistakes and misleading. Judaism is not "Ethnic or Religious identity", but people hood/ nationality and religion together. Lessing J. Rosenwald is a type of self hating Jew, such as Benjamin Freeman, that can only be understood by psychiatric explanation and not by social and political terms. After all, he as many US Jewish leaders stood silent in front of the grey turmoil of the extermination of the Jews in Europe. Only few leaders, Zionists of course, tied to influence Roosevelt to take some military measures is order to disturb the Nazi slaughtering machine. Sure when that Ehrenreich clearly and fully understood his wrong play he chose to harden his heart against reality and comfort for the Jews and to justify his ignorance by promoting it further.

Ben Ehrenreich's communistic back round explain much of his ignorance and remoteness. It seems that the Islamic tenets on which the Arab Palestinian is being founded, has for too long been regarded an almost unspeakable blasphemy by certain Israel's bashers.

Zionism may be an anachronism in the writer view, but it may be valid only in case that all other nationalities, including the fake "Palestinian" one, are anachronism too, because Zionism flourished at the end of the European nationalism era and in the through the beginning of the "third world" wake up and was part in the global change. So, if all nations can express themselves through nationalism and nationality, why can't the Jewish nation too? Why the difference?

The "Brit Shalom" has failed as the "Shalom Oslo" had failed. What that has to do with the question of the right of the Jewish people to have their national home at Palestine, their national home?

Why can't the Jews have their own ONE Jewish state while Arabs have 22 Arab national (new nations had been erected in the 20th, while Jews are people for the last 4500 years!) states, which are described by themselves as Arab and Islamic states? If Muslims fighting minorities all over the ME for the last 50 years, killing and cause millions of not-Muslims to flee, whom shared mutual history for centuries, why trust them to accept Jews as equal in their 23rd Islamic state? Where are your logic, conscience and integrity?

Palestine has once been divided in 1922. There is already a Palestinian Arab state on the East side of the Jordan River. Now it's the time to declare all of the Western Bank of the Jordan as Israel. Arabs and Jews could live together as citizens in their own states and as residents in the others' state… in one condition: That Arabs in Israel won't play as "suicide cowboys"! If the keep doing so, the Jews will be free to pass them eastern, to their own national Palestinian state called Jordan. It's not ethnical cleansing but repetition.

Let me remind you that Lessing J. Rosenwald already had once mistaken 65 years ago. Why to repeat that insanity now again?

LJansen said...

People like Mr. Bird (above) are panicking because the Israeli state has exposed itself as capable of wantonly killing women, children (and yes, policemen)in a bid to push Palestinians out of the land they both could be sharing.

I saw a TIME magazine cover for April that asks the question if Israel can last. The callous disregard of the IDF and Israel's leadership for the human rights of Palestinians have answered that question for many people around the world.

jean-dan said...

Sorry but I didn't find any mention of wormwood in the book of Amos,Could you precise?
Manhood is beeing compared with wormhood in Isaïe (2,10):
" enter the soil and hide in the dust!"
Or in Job 25(6):
"A son of man who is a worm"

Spring is coming,time to dig the garden,worms are best friend to the clay and to the man who's looking for 1000% profit to his investment:One potato makes ten potatoes.(High financial could never make that)
Hello from France