

Sunday, April 04, 2010

"Ritual Sacrifice of Children on Rise in Uganda" -- Hypocrisy on Display

''People get disoriented. People stop having respect in humanity and believe more in the worth of money and so-called good fortune, and they lose that natural social respect for people.''

''There is a lack of political will to protect the children.

Aren't these words also an indictment of our Congress and the administration who have sacrificed thousands in this country to the wealth of the insurance companies????? You'd never see that point made in the NYTimes! Linda J.

Human sacrifices have been recorded throughout history and occur still in many countries, including India, Indonesia, South Africa, Gabon and Tanzania. One traditional healer in Uganda, when asked about the phenomenon, pointed to the story told in the Bible's book of Genesis, when God asked Abraham to sacrifice a son.

However, the rise in human sacrifices in Uganda appears to come from a desire for wealth and a belief that drugs made from human organs can bring riches, according to task force head Moses Binoga. They may be fueled by a spate of violent Nigerian films that are growing in popularity, and showcase a common story line: A family reaping riches after sacrificing a human.

''I call it a problem of psychological disorientation,'' said Binoga. ''People get disoriented. People stop having respect in humanity and believe more in the worth of money and so-called good fortune, and they lose that natural social respect for people.''

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