

Friday, October 01, 2010

"The Extraordinary Rendition of Palestine" -- Mazin Qumsiyeh in Occupied Bethlehem, Palestine

At the end of an article summarizing recent dismaying events in the Middle East, Mazin Qumsiyeh (A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home outlines the choices for humanity:
These are just few of the rather bizarre happenings this week in the Middle East but when I think about it, we have had 62 years of misery, mayhem and pain filled with bizarre and almost unbelievable events. Who would have though it possible to gather members of a particular ideology into one spot on earth, displacing its native people and making them refugees and yet label the victims terrorists. Who would have thought that this would be achieved with incredible brutality supported by Western powers, themselves riddled with racism and hatred of non-whites?

But we take heart in the fact that this whole rigged game is finally coming to an end. Some claim that there is a trend that made the Palestinian cause a commodity traded for profit and positions and hence Palestine had been lost already in this game of world politics. But I, writing these notes after a long day of work with Palestinians (weak and strong, young and old) can tell you that they underestimate us. Like contrarian investing, I tell people to be careful in making gloomy predictions. Things looked pretty gloomy in 1920, 1928, 1935, 1972, 1986, and 1999. The year after in each of those things was not predicted or predictable by the majority of people. But I will go out on a limb and say that based on history, the next intifada is likely to be global. Individuals have one of three choices regardless of their background: support the oppressors, be apathetic (and hence support the status quo of oppression), or join the growing movement saying "enough is enough".

Whole article:

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