

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Ongoing Defiance/Political Gridlock in Lebanon--Dahr Jamail

"Ali Hamir, a translator standing outside the main tent in which families were gathering and children played, told me he was there as an independent and not affiliated with any political group.

The_Grand_Serail_building_home_of_the_Prime_Ministers_offices_spot_lighted_by_the_protest_1344_p.jpg"'I'm here as a Lebanese," he said, "We are peacefully contesting the government to show that people without a voice are actually the majority. It is only the rich people who have a voice in this current government, while the middle and lower classes are not listened to. There is a class mentality in this government." He waved his arm across the air and added, "These people are not sheep. Most of them are educated and know how to live in peace. We are open-minded and want to live with all communities, but we are opposed to class-based oppression."

"I asked him how long he thought the sit-in would continue.

"'We have long breaths. We will not stop until we reach our goal. We do not despair. We can wait as long as it takes."

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