

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Russell Mokhiber--The Michael Vick/George Bush Thing

"Here's my take on the Michael Vick/George Bush thing.

"What is the Michael Vick/George Bush thing, you ask?

"Under what rock have you been living?

"The big issue in the sports world this week has been Michael Vick-the star quarterback for the
Atlanta Falcons.

"Vick was indicted last week for dog fighting.

"The particulars are not pretty.

"They include executing dogs who didn't perform well in the dog fights.
Execution by hanging, drowning, or just slamming them to the ground.

"The media is in an uproar.

"Animal rights groups are picketing the NFL demanding that Vick be suspended from pro football.

"Far more big radio air time had been spent in the last week on Vick's alleged killing of dogs than on--you guessed it--than on George Bush's killing of human beings.

"Unlike Vick, Bush has not been indicted.

"That's because the Democratic Party--the party in control of the House of Representatives, the House that could bring the indictment (aka articles of impeachment)--was in on the human killing--actually approved of killing.

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