

Monday, July 16, 2007

Stolen Column: From "Stop Me Before I Vote Again"

Nancy and the dungeon

Delayed flash, from the peace, good jobs, and love-ya-baby Demo House we elected last fall:

42 Democrats ... voted to keep the world's foremost torture school, the School of the Americas, open during a House vote on June 21.

Now that's crossing the aisle for empire! Can you beat it? Our Latin academy of electric blue mangling, saved by the cross-aisle voting of alg those stout donks.

And they were needed, too -- it was a close call; the endsville bill missed passing by 6 votes only.

Note well: several leading house humanists among the missing in action, including Charles Rangel of New York and who else, her worship madame Speaker.

Found on Stop Me Before I Vote Again

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