

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Ali Abunimah Explains the Roots of Israel's Attacks

"Today because of their determination not to be driven from
what remains of their land
, and due to their higher birth
rate, Palestinians are once again becoming the majority
population. Their struggle draws support across the Arab
world, including from groups like Hezbollah."

"For the first time since the 1948 expulsions accompanying
Israel's foundation, Jews no longer form the absolute
majority in the territory they control."

"Israeli and Palestinian official statistics count 5.3
million Jews living in Israel-Palestine and 5.6 million
non-Jews (this does not include millions more Palestinian
refugees outside the country)."

"Israeli leaders understand what this means. Prime minister
Ehud Olmert said in 2003: "We are approaching the point
where more and more Palestinians will say 'There is no
place for two states between the [River] Jordan and the
[Mediterranean] sea. All we want is the right to vote'.
The day they get it, we [Israeli Jews] will lose

"Olmert added: "I shudder to think that liberal Jewish
organisations that shouldered the burden of struggle
against apartheid in South Africa will lead the struggle
against us."
Also included is an attempt at defending Israel.

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