

Sunday, October 29, 2006

"The President Knows more than He Lets on"--About Torture

SPIEGEL ONLINE: With waterboarding, the prisoner [one hundred suspected terrorists from all over the world are still being held in secret American prisons] is made to feel as though he is drowing, even if he isn't really at risk of dying. There are reports that Mohammed was a kind of unoffical record-holder when it came to waterboarding.

Suskind: With extraordinary minutes passing he earned a sort of grudging respect from interrogators. The thing they did with Mohammed is that we had captured his children, a boy and a girl, age 7 and 9. And at the darkest moment we threatened grievous injury to his children if he did not cooperate. His response was quite clear: "That's fine. You can do what you want to my children, and they will find a better place with Allah."

Found on Angry Arab Newservice

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