

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Stan Goff: Vote Democrat, He Says

It's a good thing someone makes a corrective comment on Stan's website, Feral Scholar, after this. --Linda

"I abstained from the last election because the Democratic Party took the issue of the war off the table; and because I believed the world would be better off after the Bush adminstration spent a bit more time exposing the true character of today’s mono-imperialism. I still stand by that.

"This year, however, I will work a polling site for the Democrats.

"My “issue,” if we are restricted to one, is the war. The majority of my fellow US voters now agree with my position that the US needs to get its ass out. I’m all about “cut and run,” and may get a nice t-shirt saying just that. But a lot more has happened, and even though it took a sex scandal to hit the tipping point, the polarization of American society ( a good thing, in my view) has increased, there is rumbling from the ‘hood to the ‘burbs, and political changeovers are inherently destabilizing (also a good thing). This disequilibrium creates space for popular movements to operate.

"Moreover, the actual period is unique. The Republicans have made an absolute shambles of everything (give them enough rope…), so much so that the Dems will unlikely be able to put Humpty Dumpty together again. The Dems are looking to 2008. If they take the House of both the House and Senate this year, then they will chair all the committees. Motivated by the need to shred the Republican Party prior to posting whichever nitwit they post for the 2008 Presidential Follies, they can use those committee chairs to issue subpeonaes… lots of subpoenaes, subpoenaes like snowflakes fluttering across the Ameircan political landscape.

Which Democrats have "put the war back on the table, Stan????" And what makes you think that having voted in their "saviours," the "movement" will stick around to make sure they do right? The antiwar movement here in Washington state seems to be falling into line behind Senator Cantwell who voted for the war, the Patriot Act and most every other bad thing in sight. Even though they have two genuine antiwar candidates (a Green and a Libertarian) to vote for. She doesn't seem to be feeling much pressure to change her ways, much as we are trying with the Green Party's campaign behind Aaron Dixon.

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