

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Canada's Chatroom Jihadis

If you're all reading every day, I'm duplicating efforts today. But in case you don't, here is another excellent example of what's available there. The author, John Chuckman, is from Ontario. I have to say in support of his contention that Canadians are sensible and decent, I heard a statement from their premier (a Bush supporter) about the arrests that definitely supported values of diversity and continued welcoming of immigrants, including Muslims. L

"I do believe we will see justice for the young men in Canada with nothing but facts determining their fate. Canadians are a sensible and decent people. All the rash and uninformed comments made in recent days will fade like yesterday's headlines about miracles and aliens in The National Inquirer."

"At the same time, I hope Canadians consider more carefully the deeply flawed policies Bush has imposed on the world. Two ancient Muslim nations are occupied and smoldering with resentment amidst economic ruin. A great, world cultural treasure has been pillaged and destroyed, making the Taleban's thuggish destruction of statues some years ago seem small by comparison. Iraq has been driven into the destructive beginnings of civil war. The country still does not have even dependable water or electricity. The U.S. threatens a third Muslim country almost weekly. Palestinians are treated worse today by Israel, with smiling American acquiescence, than black Africans were under apartheid, and there is no hint of a just end to the situation. And the learning curve in guerilla fighting means nothing but more intense attacks against foreign armies in Afghanistan and Iraq."

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