

Sunday, June 18, 2006

What happens When the Horror of Iraq Becomes Too Much For a Soldier to Bear?

06/18/06 "Scotsman" -- -- MORE than 6000 men and women have deserted from the US army since the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. In the British forces, the figure stands at around 1000. The soldiers are leaving because they are sickened by the bloodshed in Iraq; because they believe the war is illegal; because they are on the verge of nervous breakdown; and because they are having to buy their own boots or are not being given enough food and water. Labour MP John McDonnell says that troops are now “questioning the morality and legality of the occupation”.

MacKay ends with this:

[Author Peter] Laufer says: “ The actions of these men and women is great ammunition against those who still support the war. You can’t impugn the actions of a soldier who served their country. These people have stood up and said, ‘this is wrong, I’m not going to do this any more’ in the face of severe penalties. They are brave and heroic and they deserve our support.”

Please come and support our local war resisters next Saturday, June 24, at noon at Ft. Lewis (Exit 119).

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