

Friday, June 09, 2006

Our Team is Screwing Up--Washington Post

I know the Post is in Washington, but it is amazing to me that even in an article questioning the war (or maybe just its prosection), it fails to avoid the pronoun "we," linking it to the actions of the government it is supposedly watchdogging. I have to agree that it was creepy the way the picture of Zarqawi was displayed.

"We may not have victory. Iraq may be a living hell both for those who are fighting to make it better and for those who live there. But we bring home the occasional politically expedient marker of "progress." Major combat operations are over. We got Saddam's sons. We got Saddam. Now we have Zarqawi. The trophy case fills: elections, a constitution, a new government -- everything but peace and stability for an exhausted nation of Iraqis who have died by the tens of thousands during the evolution of this war."

"Zarqawi is gone and good riddance. But there's nothing in the image of his face that deserves a frame. It's a small thing, to be sure. But it suggests a cynicism about this war that is profoundly distressing. Our political and military leaders simply can't resist packaging the war and wrapping it up in a bow."

found on

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