

Thursday, June 01, 2006

U.S. Military's Ethics Training: A Hapless and Hollow Gesture

From William Arkin in the Washington Post, pointing out flaws in military's response so far and adding this about the whole venture:

"The incident in Haditha hasn't lost the war, nor even undermined the hearts and minds in the country. The assumption on the "street" in Iraq is already that the U.S. military is trigger happy, that it is already indiscriminately killing civilians, that it is unaccountable. Iraq's own ambassador in the United States tells the story of one of his 21 year old cousins being killed in cold blood by Marines in the very town of Haditha during a search of the family home."

"I am sympathetic to his grief, and I await the happy day when he and his government ask us to leave."

I do have to disagree with this paragraph, however:

"In the name of honor and a grand experiment, we have placed American soldiers and Marines in harms way without the means to be successful. I don't mean they lack body armor or weapons. I mean they lack a strategy and a goal that is attainable, where an action every day represents progress towards that end."

There never was any honor associated with the unprovoked invasion of the helpless and poor country of Iraq and if it was a "grand experiment," I think that makes the Bushies and their Congressional enablers mad scientists.

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