Meanwhile, other prominent Israelis are asking even more basic
questions about the regional strategy pursued by Bush and its
consequences for Israel.
In a column published by the Ha'aretz newspaper last week, former
Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami argued that, in the aftermath of the
Lebanon war, which, in his view, had "proven the limits of [Israeli]
power," a peace accord with Syria and the Palestinians had become
"essential" for Israel, particularly in light of "the worrisome
decline of the status of Israel's ally in this part of the world and
"U.S. deterrence, and respect for the superpower have been eroded
unrecognizably," he wrote. "An exclusive Pax Americana in the Middle
East is no longer possible because not only is the U.S. not an
inspiration today, it does not instill fear."
Found on Ali Abunimah newsletter
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