

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Lieberman's Democrat Nemesis Has Feet of Israeli Clay

My Lamont lament
By greenboyJul 31 2006 - 2:22pm

Man how disappointing - it looks like Lamont doesn't have the balls to stand up to AIPAC and criticise the collective punishment of Lebanon. These lines tucked into his lack-balls apologia say it all:

"It is not for the United States to dictate to Israel how it defends itself. Nor is it my place to make tactical recommendations to the president. But I do have some strategic suggestions about what our country should do moving forward.After the fighting stops, the President needs to reengage in this part of the world and work on a peace settlement and a response to the humanitarian concerns in Gaza and elsewhere."

Jeez, did he just take dictation from his AIPAC controller? We don't need to 'dictate to Israel' what they can and can't do, but we could a) ask them to stop bombing Lebanon, and b) stop supplying them with the bombs they are using to kill Lebanese civilians and c) stop giving them billions of dollars in military aid and assistance.And why should the U.S. sit around and wait until more civilians have died before bothering to "work on a peace settlement"? Am I missing something?Also, how can the Preznit 'reengage' in the cisJordan conflict when he has never been engaged in the first place (unless of course you call rubber-stamping Sharon's Bantustan plans 'engagement)?Lamont - what a fucking disappointment. Looks like the race is turning into a contest between "Cherry Coke" and "New Coke" (I hate cherries).

Above comments from Needlenose blog linked to title above.

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