

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Conyers Betrays Impeachment--Kurt Nimmo

"I feared as much, not trusting Democrats far as I can throw them, although I reluctantly backed down from my assertion prior to the election that a vote for any of these people would be a vote for treason. I declared my support for Democrats who said they would pursue impeachment. Now the numero uno Democrat supposedly behind impeachment has betrayed those of us who actually put credence in his promise, or what appeared to be a promise.

"I should have known better. I should have stuck to my guns.

"None of these traitors will impeach the September criminals, also the March criminals, as in March 20, 2003, when the neocons invaded Iraq under massive false pretenses.

"Call me cynical. I can only say that we cannot trust anybody in Congress to do the right thing. I’ve said this nigh onto nearly thirty years.

"Unfortunately, not even Ron Paul, the best Congress has to offer, has gone on the books and declared nine eleven an inside job. As the midterm elections now fade into history, we are even less likely to impeach Bush and Cheney and justice in regard to nine eleven is even more remote than it was two years ago.

"Pelosi and Conyers stand with Bush and the neocons.

"Few should actually be surprised. (and probably Another Day in the Empire)

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