

Monday, December 18, 2006

Come 2008, Will Kucinich and the “New Democrats” Fool Us Again?

"Recall the “New Democrats” sabotaging the candidacy of Howard Dean, who served as a rallying point for desperate antiwar Democrats. New Dems made damn sure Dean went down—he was characterized as some kind of grunting and howling neanderthal by a complaisant media—and the nomination went to Bush’s distant cousin and fellow bonesman, John Kerry, who presented himself as a neocon lite on steroids. In response, Kucinich closed down his antiwar campaign and called for Dems far and wide, high and low, to support Kerry. At the Democrat convention, Kucinich called on delegates and voters to “blaze a new path with John Kerry and John Edwards.”

“Thus, Kucinich’s ‘anti-war’ candidacy provided a political cover for the right-wing policies of the Democratic leadership and helped contain the mass opposition to the war within the confines this big business party,” explains White. “Although he was exposed as an apologist for the selection of a pro-war Democratic candidate during the last presidential election, this is not stopping Kucinich from offering to play the same role once again.”

"Question is, as the pre-election games commence this coming year, will rank and file Democrats, the grist of the party, be fooled again? Or will they tolerate another parade of neocon lite warmongers, as they did last time around?

"Does a trained dog fail to jump for the biscuit every time, to the satisfaction of his master?

From Another Day in the Empire
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1 comment:

Left I on the News said...

I heard Cindy Sheehan speak a couple days ago in San Jose. Her main "thing" these days is pushing for impeachment, but she talked about 2008. She said the national Green Party approached her to run for President, but she declined, saying there's already an antiwar candidate, Kucinich, and she's throwing all her support to him.