

Friday, January 05, 2007

Confronting the Empire--Justin Raimondo

(Click on the first link to read the whole article)

"It's time for the antiwar movement to reevaluate its tactics in light of our abysmal failure so far to so much as slow down the rush to catastrophe in the Middle East. The Democrats, having run – and won – on the failure of the Bush administration's foreign policy of relentless aggression, have clearly stabbed us in the back. The much-vaunted "100 hours" of the Pelosi-ites doesn't so much as touch on any foreign policy issue, let alone Iraq. These people have what they want – power – and you can bet they aren't going to use it to any good ends. What is needed, therefore, is a new tack, a new strategy, a radical reminder to the mandarins of Washington that their power is not unlimited and that they can and will be called to account.


"Washington is the problem, and the solution is to make that city ungovernable, and a thoroughly unpleasant place for our ruling elite to be. If they won't listen to the voice of the hinterland, and suffer from delusions of invincibility, then they need to be reminded of their own vulnerability. By descending on Washington, and literally camping out, the millions who detest this war could make the city unlivable, or, at least, make it impossible for the mandarins of power to any longer discount us humble plebeians. These people love their perks, their privileges, their sense of empowerment, and, most of all, their pleasures – if we deprive them of all this, by making their lives a living hell, then and only then will we have any chance of decisively influencing the course of events.

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