

Friday, May 11, 2007

Postman of the Apocalypse

"Neither snow, nor rain, nor fire and brimstone will keep Joshua Witter from the swift completion of his appointed rounds come the end of the world.

"Witter, a 24-year-old self-described atheist living in Orlando, is the creator of the Post-Rapture Post, which bills itself as "the postal service of the saved."

"For as little as $4.99, Witter offers to deliver your letters to friends and loved ones left behind after the Rapture, when some Christians believe they will be whisked up to heaven while everyone else — the "Left Behind" of the popular book series — suffers a series of tribulations.
As Witter sees it, it will fall to the unsaved to serve as the postmen of the Apocalypse.

"'Do you want to take the chance that your loved ones will have to suffer through your ascension into Heaven without knowing how you really feel in your heart?" the site asks. "Sign up for the Post-Rapture Post today to guarantee that, while you are gone, you will remain in the thoughts of those left behind."

"'Holy crap, a plan B.," wrote one of the site's visitors, known only as Fred B. from Oregon. "This is my kind of religion."

"Others weren't so charitable. "I am shocked at your website," penned a woman identified as Kim F. "It is not even remotely funny. ... All who are a part of this, surely, God will judge to damnation."

"As an atheist, one of the things Witter doesn't believe in is any sort of damnation. Or the Rapture. Or God, for that matter. Even if there is a Rapture, he said, it's best to prepare because Witter is pretty sure he'll be one of the many left behind.

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