Corrie's critics delight in lamenting her supposed naivete, as if 23-year-olds all ought to sit on the sidelines awaiting the enlightenment of additional decades. The London play, "My Name is Rachel Corrie," is about the inspiration to be drawn from a caring young person's engagement with the world. In one of its many beautiful lines, the play quotes an e-mail from her worrying mother, Cindy, "Palestinians have really been invisible to me, but you are changing that."
Proud to be a Seattlite today. The PI finally got its head out of the sand, or some other place where there ain't no sunshine, on the issue of Palestinian rights.
Rachel Corrie is my hero.
BY THE WAY: Please take a minute to write to the PI in favor of their editorial. The Zionists always go beserk when the media dares to cross them. There will be a barage of anti-Palestinian letters to the editor.
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