

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Webpage with videos from Iraq

I watched these videos shot in Iraq and linked below. They reminded me of the open letter to the troops that Stan Goff wrote back in Nov 2003 titled, Hold On To Your Humanity.
So I went back and re-read Goff's letter for the 5th time. This passage struck me the most after viewing these videos:

"I changed over there in Vietnam and they were not nice changes either. I started getting pulled into something—something that craved other people's pain. Just to make sure I wasn't regarded as a "f***ing missionary" or a possible rat, I learned how to fit myself into that group that was untouchable, people too crazy to f*** with, people who desired the rush of omnipotence that comes with setting someone's house on fire just for the pure hell of it, or who could kill anyone, man, woman, or child, with hardly a second thought. People who had the power of life and death—because they could."

To read Goff's full letter go here and scroll down a screen or two to begin reading:


Linda and my blog:

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