

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Vets & Katrina Survivors "Walking to New Orleans"

"Veterans For Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War,
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, and Gold Star Families for Peace, at the call of the Mobile Veterans For Peace Chapter #130, will conduct a march between Mobile, AL, and New Orleans, LA, from March 14-19, 2006 -- the third anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq."


(1)  the immediate return of our troops from Iraq, and to
call for U.S. tax dollars to be spent on human priorities and

(2) rebuilding of the devastated Gulf Coast, under the
democratic direction of the residents of the Gulf Coast,
instead of further spending for the illegal occupation of Iraq.
If you believe the confluence of the antiwar and pro-people of New Orleans movements
is a good idea, there are places on the linked site to support them. Also you can sign up for
email updates. Good luck to all.

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